Secured By Design is the official UK Police flagship initiative supporting the principles of ‘designing out crime’. The ROCAL Endurance® door range has been designed, tested and achieved the standard.
The Secured By Design standard upgrade includes – Yale Superior high security lock cylinder, cylinder guard and laminated glass.
In order to comply with Secured By Design, the Endurance® door must be tested to PAS 24 2012. PAS 24 2012 Enhanced Security Testing Standard produced by the British Standards Institute (BSI.)
The standard involves the following tests:
- A manual attack on the locking hardware with tools including a crow bar and mole grips.
- Unlimited number of 3 minute attacks on the door cylinder using a range of tools such as craft knives and screw drivers.
- 3 minute manual attack using chisels and brick bolsters to gain entry through the door.
- Hard body impact test – impacts are applied to the door leaf at hinge points and locking points using a 50kg steel impactor.